Present: All current elected SGA officers, Pro Tempore Jack Dowling, and SGA senators
Absent: none
Quorum Present? Yes
Also present: Chief Justice Audrey Novak of the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council is a student jury that oversees elections, student disciplinary committees, and disputes between SOC members.
The committee of academic affairs met and has several pieces of legislation in the works. Updates have been posted to the SGA (Student Government Association) Google drive.
The theme for the SGA Christmas party on Nov. 30 is “Cowboy Christmas.” The location will be announced later on.
Approval of Graduate Justices
Chief Justice Novak announced that the graduate justices have been approved by the GSA (Graduate Student Affairs ) and need approval by SGA. The three nominees were Erin Vallagomesa, Jackie Gonzalez, and Peter Ellwanger, and all were voted in.
There were four absentee votes: senators Ahmed, Brunel, Dowling, and Nguyen (Senior). All present voted in favor. Senator Phan was out of the room during the vote.
Open Position for the Curriculum Committee
Both Senator Brunel and Novak ran for one position open on the curriculum committee, which is composed of faculty and students, to act on behalf of SGA and the student body. Dowling said a precedent should be set that “a senator should always be on the committee. It seems strange to have our Chief Justice involved with the legislative process of the University.”
Novak was sworn in by SGA unanimously.
Senate Resolution Four: Increase Transparency within SGA
Dowling presented a resolution to increase SGA transparency and improve communication. After some discussion, the resolution was tabled almost unanimously.
SGA President Greg Pirolli said that SGA is in the process of changing its structure.
Quote of the meeting: “Everything, student- governance wise, is going to change, and we are going to make it the best for the better.”
- SGA President Gregory Pirolli.
UST President Richard Ludwick will be present at the next SGA meeting, which is scheduled for Oct. 30.
Pro Tempore and the names of Erin Vallagomesa and Peter Ellwanger were misspelled in an earlier version of this story. We sincerely regret this error.
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