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Student Government Association Minutes-April 30

Present: 14 senators, Parliamentarian Nemec, Dean of Students Lindsey McPherson

Absent: Senator Alvarez, Senator Romero, Senator Krumenauer

Quorum present? Yes

Committee Updates: None

Old Business: None

New Business:

Senate Bill 28: “A Chance to Win”

  • Senior Senator Gutierrez presented a food drive event where students turn in a non-perishable food item in return for a raffle ticket.  Raffle prizes include an Apple Watch Series 3 and a pair of Apple Airpods. The food items will be donated to the Nehemiah Center, a program that helps “at-risk” children and their families.
  • SB 28 passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 29: Private Movie Showing

  • Senator Nguyen and Senator Maniscalo proposed to rent out a theatre at Edward’s Greenway Plaza Movie Theatre to show “Avengers: Endgame” on May 10. The event would be for undergraduate students only. There will be 152 tickets that are “first come, first served.” SGA will advertise via social media the time and place to get the tickets. The first 100 students to get tickets will have their concessions paid for up to $13.
  • The budget is $3,500.
  • SB 29 passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 30: Allocating $15,00 for Diversity and Inclusion’s LGBT Events

  • Pro Tempore Aquila asked the Senate to allocate $1,500 to Diversity and Inclusion for two LGBT events that will be held in the 2019-2020 school year. There is one stipulation: the chair of SGA’s Catholic Identity committee will be part of the planning process along with campus ministry and DIO.
  • SB 30 passed with two abstentions.

Senate Bill 31: Orientation Giveaways

  • Pro Tempore Aquila and CAB Vice President Eveleny Plata presented purchasing reusable water bottles to give away to students at orientation and the new student club fair. The water bottles are from the Cupanion company. They have a QR code on the inside of the bottle cap that you scan after you drink a whole bottle; every time you scan it, it donates water to one of the charities Cupanion represents.
  • SB 31 passed unanimously.

Senate Bill 32: Faith Based Household Promotions

  • Senator Nguyen and Senator Maniscalo presented the idea of buying large wooden letters to put on the outside of the University’s faith-based households with the initials of each household.They presented a budget of $3,095. McPherson brought up the fact that these have to approved by Building and Grounds, Residence Life, Student Affairs and the house owners.
  • SB 32 was tabled until the next SGA meeting.

Senate Bill 33: Faith and Friends Household Renovations

  • Senator Ahmed said that the house is not in good shape.
  • Residents of the Faith and Friends Household were hoping for money to renovate parts of the house. Shundeez Faridifar (director of the households) and Res Life haven’t heard of these issues–the Household must go through them in order for something to be done.
  • SB Bill 33 was tabled until the next SGA meeting.

Senate Bill 34: The Art Household

  • The first affinity (non-faith based) group was created for the next school year. It is a household community for any student involved in the arts: art, music, writing, etc. Elena Karaytcheva, the representative of the household asked for $1000 for supplies for art, photography, and music.
  • SB 34 was approved with one abstention and one vote against.

Senate Resolution 12: By-law Amendment for Catholic Matters

  • The chair of SGA’s Catholic Identity committee will help plan any potentially controversial event paid for by SGA and involving Catholic matters, to assure that the event honors Catholic values.
  • Senate Resolution 12 was passed with one vote against.

Senate Resolution 13: Cemetery of Innocence

  • SGA Vice President Rosa Sotelo said that the Celts for Life’s “Cemetery of Innocence” display was not approved this past school year. The display includes crosses on the lawn in front of the Chapel of St. Basil that symbolize the amount of babies lost to abortion in Texas. Sotelo said that by approving the display for next year, UST would be upholding its strong Catholic values outlined in the University’s mission statement.
  • Senate Resolution 13 passed with 3 votes against.

Closing Comments:

  • SGA president Greg Pirolli thanked the senators for their dedication this year.
  • Spiritual care packs were handed out on May 2 during activity period.
  • Volunteers are needed for the St. Vincent de Paul food drive.
  • SAB and Res Life’s “Late Night Breakfast” was held on May 1 at 9 p.m.

The next SGA meeting will be held in the fall semester of 2019.

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